The fastest way to unlock your AI potential. Short but on-point.

Understand what ChatGPT Can and Can't Do ChatGPT is like a smart computer friend that can help with writing, answering questions, and explaining things. It's really good at talking like a person, but it doesn't really understand things deeply. Sometimes, it might say things that sound right, but are actually wrong or one-sided. So, for important stuff, you should double-check what it says. It can't make pictures or drawings. (For pictures, there's another special image rendering AI available on Aiudite that can help with that.)
How to Ask ChatGPT, the Secret is in the Start When you talk to ChatGPT, it's a good idea to begin with some information or a short introduction. This helps get the best answers. Starting a chat with ChatGPT is called "prompting." The first thing you say is the prompt. For example, if you want to learn about why exercise is good, you can start with: "Tell me about the benefits of exercise." This tells ChatGPT to talk about the good things exercise does for health. You can tell ChatGPT what to do by asking clear questions. You can try different ways of starting your conversation, like being detailed or creative. Keep it short and clear, so ChatGPT doesn't get confused. You can learn from what ChatGPT says and improve your questions for better results.
Using ChatGPT More Helps You Learn Faster When you use ChatGPT on popular messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, it's easier to talk with it. This makes it more likely that you'll use it more often. The more you talk with it, the better you'll become at asking the right things. It's like practicing to become better at a game. Also, when you use it with friends and family, you all can learn together. You can share what you learn and figure out better ways to use ChatGPT. Using it a lot makes things more convenient and makes your conversations with it more interesting. Try it free on Aiudite.